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The travel journal of Tiberius  Liyana Stonebrook
Book 2 - Tiberius's early years

Words'n'scribbles by Zebulon the Storyteller

13c Where once they....png
13b number of ancient....png
13a Early Life part 1.png
14b eventually took....png
14a Early Life part 2.png
15d grown a beard....png
15b cried out for help....png
15c village where the....png
15a Early Life part 3.png
16d the gear into....png
16c nature of a people....png
16b There aren't many....png
16a Early Life part 4.png
17c The path is marked....png
17b Why did I leave....png
17a Early Life Part 5.png
17d The Ro-oad to....png
18d We sat in silence....png
18b Bright Council's monks....png
18c Everyone knows the....png
18a Early Life Part 6.png
19d prisoner for days....png
19c recognised the danger....png
19b Though our unspoken....png
19a Early Life Part 7.png
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